Lindsay Powell 7th November 2013

Hiya princess ugh what a night of no sleep and waking up to a day when your still not here :( followed by the stupid bank and having no money still and ah dear its all just so pointless. U helped me go back to sleep thou in the early hours could feel U cuddling me :D just wish it was real. Feels like a lifetime ago I had U but feels like iv just blinked my eyes and U were still there,this feeling of dread is so over powering its awful I don't want to feel sad I just want to feel happy but I cant cos ur not here and I don't understand that loubie I really don't understand it. Sorry mummys getting upset. Stay close to me cos im always holding you tight. I love you princess more than ul ever know I hope U miss me as much as I miss you :'( my perfect little creation of me I just wish ud come back x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x