Lindsay Powell 4th July 2013

Hiya baby girl in my heart I know one day il blink or maybe wake up and al this will make things change x x x x x your such a beauitful baby girl my baby mine all mine and I miss you with all my heart. The words can only skim what I feel and there is no point trying to word it because I know like me up be so lost without me like I am you you are my other half and you make my life and heart so complete..... These words to you I can only ever say but I swear loubie they don't come close I just want you back x x x x. Sweet dreams mwah mwah mwah my baby girl I miss looking at U asleep and feeling the love and ur back n hair n feet nnbig hands n tuft x x x x x. God I love you so much x x x x. X x x x. X. X x xx x x x. Xx x x. X x x x x x x x. X