Lindsay Powell 18th April 2013

hiya princess missing you sad day today xxx x x x hope ur okay loubie sat in ur nursery/play room earlier n played ur mobile n stroked ur mattress even found sish flounder remember when ud go ssshhh for fish in bath with ur quack n ud go kkkkkk ah loubie ur such a clever girl u know n ur talking is so forward, me n Emma had big cuddles could see u crawling into room smiling ur head off :)))))). I love you princess more n more every minute of every day. sweet dreams iv got ur baby grow on me giving u big hugs wi ur raff rattle dodie n blankie I love you baby girl sweet dreams xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shine bright n come give me cuddles mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah xxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx